Below are the tenets of our faith. In other words, what we believe and stand for.

We believe in:

  1. THE SCRIPTURE: The Bible is the word of God. The product of holy men of old that spoke and wrote as the Holy Ghost moved them. We accept as our infallible guide the New Covenant as recorded in the New Testament in matters pertaining to conduct and doctrine-II Tim.3:16
  2. THE GODHEAD: Our God is one, but manifest Himself in three persons: the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit being co-equal and co-exist-Philippians 2:16
  3. MAN, HIS FALL AND REDEMPTION: Man is a created being, made in the likeness and image of God but through Adam’s transgression and fall, sin came into the world-Romans 3:23

Jesus Christ the son of God, was manifested to destroy (undo) the works of the devil and gave His life by shedding His blood to redeem and restore man back to God-1 John 3:10

  • ETERNAL LIFE AND THE NEW BIRTH: Godly sorrow that works salvation. Man’s first step towards salvation. The New birth to all men and when experienced produces eternal life-II Cor.7:10
  • WATER BAPTISM: This ordinance is a symbol of Christian’s identification with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection-Mathew 28:19

Baptism in water by immersion as it is a direct commandment of our Lord and is for believers only

  • BAPTISM IN THE HOLY GHOST: This is a promise gift from God to all believers in this dispensation and it is received subsequent to the new birth-Acts 1:8, Mathew 3:11

This experience is accompanied by the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit Himself gives utterance-Acts 2:4, 38-39

  • SANCTIFICATION: We believe in the doctrine of sanctification as a definite, yet progressive work of grace, commencing at the time of regeneration and continuing until he consummation of salvation at Christ’s return-Hebrews 12:14, II Peter 3:18
  • SIGNS AND WONDERS: Through insight into the New Testament mysteries as it is expounded in the scriptures.

“And this sign shall follow them…..” Mark 16:17

  • DIVINE HEALING: Healing is for the physical ills of human body and is wrought by the power of God through the prayer of faith, and by the laying on of handsJames 5:14-15
  • RESURRECTION OF THE JUST AND THE RETURN OF OUR LORD: Christ’s coming is imminent. When He comes “the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the cloud to meet with the Lord in the air” – 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

Following the tribulation, He shall return to the earth as “king of kings and Lord of Lords” and together with His saints, who shall be kings and priests

  1. HELL AND ETERNAL RETRIBUTION: Anyone who physically dies in his sin without accepting Christ is hopelessly and eternally lost in the lake of fire and therefore has no further opportunity of hearing the gospel of repentance-Hebrews 9:2712.
  2. THE MANIFOLD WISDOM OF GOD: Ephesians 3:10

We believe in the manifold wisdom of God through the New Testament mysteries to Satanic onslaught and activities

  1. THE MANTLE: It is a ministry of transmission of unction. Any material that comes in contact with the anointed of God carries with it the unction for manifestation. Such material is what is referred to as the MANTLE in our context. The virtue in the mantle is from God, the virtue carrier. It is our obedience and faith in Him that provoke the release of the virtue in the mantle, not the prophet’s virtue-II Kings2:13-14, Mark 5:25, Acts 19:11-12
  2. PROPHETIC UTTERANCE: Prophetic utterances are godly utterances. They are divine commandments given expression to through mortal lips. The prophet opens his mouth to declare what God has commanded for confirmationEze.37:1-7, 2:2, Lamentation 3:37, Isaiah 44:26
  3. THE ANOINTING: The anointing oil (olive oil) is not just a chemical product. It is the Spirit of God mysteriously put in a bottle, to communicate and minister the power of God bodily. It is the power of God in your hand, in the person of the Holy Spirit, to humiliate Satan. It is the power of God placed in a tangible form in the hand of man, to make an open show of the devil.  It is a carrier of virtue for man’s rescueExo.30:23-31, 1 Sam.16:13, Mark 6:12-13, James 5:14-15
  4. THE BLOOD: The blood of Jesus is the believer’s stronghold against every corruption that is in the world. It is the divine provision for man’s freedom from every satanic dimension of corruption and onslaught. The blood is to be applied against the wicked plans of the enemy. Every time you plead the blood of Jesus, it speaks “Passover”. By the blood of Jesus every evil passes over you. The blood of Jesus is the seal of our victory in every conflict of life. It is the blood that guarantee our access to the throne of grace-Exo.12:1-13, Zech.9:11-12, Rev.12;11, Hebrews12:24, 10:19
  5. THE BLOOD OF SPRINKLING: Each time we appear in Zion, the city of refuge, we have access to the blood of sprinkling that speaks for us. Every time we appear in Zion, angels are present, whose job is to sprinkle the blood of the Lamb that speaks every good things for the believer. The blood of sprinkling provides a covering for us against the wickedness of Satan. There is a continuous sprinkling of the blood in Zion. The blood speaks healing, peace, forgiveness, reconciliation, and every good thing. It is impenetrable by the avenger of blood-Exo.29:21, Heb.12:24, 9:12, 10:18, Col.1:20, John 1:7
  6. THE COMMUNION: An ordinance in which bread and wine are shared and administered as a commemoration of the sufferings and death of Jesus Christ to pay for our sins. The bread and wine are symbolic in nature and not changed into anything. The bread is a symbol of the new covenant in Jesus blood (flesh) that is broken for us; while the cup is a symbol of the new covenant in Jesus blood-Luke 22:20.

As often as we eat this bread, and drink this cup, we do it in remembrance of Him and also to proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes-1 Cor.11:17-33, Mark 14:22-24, Mathew 26:26-28, John6:51-52

  1. TESTIMONIES: Testimonies are confirmation of the truth as scriptural passages. They can be quoted, rehearsed in warfare, prayers, and used to work miracles. Testimonies are manifestation of the truth of the scriptures. They are the righteous acts of God, and proofs that God is still at work on earth today. Testimonies are living forces, with ability to reproduce themselves when engaged or employed.  They are direct confirmation of the word-Mark 16:20

Testimonies constitute very powerful weapons in confronting the challenges of life-Rev.12:11, 19:10, II Sam.17:37, Mark 16:20

  • ANGELS: Angels are ministering spirits sent to minister (serve) the heir of salvation (saints). They are sent to minister to the saints of God. They are spiritual personalities with physical impact. They wage war on earth on behalf of the saints of God. They excel in strength, they obey (do)the commandments of the Lord, confirm the messages (words) of God and the word of His messengers (His servants)-Exo.23:20,Psalm 103:20, Heb.1:7,13-14, John 1:51, Mathew 19:14, Acts 8:26, 27:23
  • LAYING ON OF HANDS: The believer’s hands are the secret/hiding place of the horn of the power of God. It is the container and conveyance of His power. So, each time hands are laid, it conveys/transfer power and virtue to the recipients in matters pertaining to healing, impartation, consecration etc. It is a New Testament mystery of transference of power, virtue, and unction-Deut.34:9, Numb.8:10, 27:18, Psalm 103:20, Habakkuk 3:4,Mark 5:23, Acts 1:24, 6:6, 8:17, 19:6, 28:8, 1 Tim.4:14.